Heller Industries Service Excellence Award From Pegatron

Heller Industries Service Excellence Award From Pegatron

12 Jan, 2024

HELLER Industries service team has received recognition from Pegatron.

Recently, the HELLER service team has received high praise and recognition from Pegatron. Behind this honor is the firm pursuit and continuous efforts of team members for excellent service quality.

Pegatron, as a core assembler in Apple’s supply chain, has demonstrated significant influence and strength in the research and manufacturing of electronic information products. Its outstanding performance and stable output provide a solid guarantee for the smooth operation of the entire supply chain.

HELLER, as a leading manufacturer of reflow soldering ovens in the industry, has already won widespread praise and deep trust from customers with its excellent service quality. They have demonstrated a high level of professionalism and innovation through stable service personnel configuration management, fast service response mechanisms, and accurate and efficient problem-solving abilities.

In this commendation, Pegatron expresses sincere gratitude to the HELLER service team for their outstanding performance during the project implementation process. They emphasized that the HELLER service team not only performed excellently in technology, but also excelled in understanding customer needs and responding. It is precisely because of their professionalism and dedication that the stable operation of on-site equipment is ensured, enabling the smooth implementation of production plans.

The head of the HELLER service team stated that this honor was not something they could achieve alone, but rather the result of the entire team working together. They will use this as a driving force and continue to be committed to providing high-quality services to meet the needs and expectations of customers. At the same time, they are well aware that innovation is the driving force for sustainable development and will continue to explore new service models and technological innovations to maintain their leading position in the industry.

This recognition is not only a recognition of the past efforts of the HELLER service team, but also an expectation and motivation for their future. We believe that in the future, the HELLER service team will continue to give back this trust and support with better performance, and work hand in hand with Pegatron and other partners to create a better future.

See Heller industries Convection Reflow Ovens

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