David Raby Shares the Impact of SMTA on His Career
28 Feb, 2024
SMTA Director of Training and Education, Tara Dunn, interviewed past SMTA President and Founder’s Award winner, David Raby, about the impact SMTA has made on his career.
[Tara] You are a recognized industry expert, what was your first step on the path to building that reputation?
[David] Thank you for the compliment but I don’t consider myself an industry expert. I’ve spent the past 40 years (and really 15+ before that) hanging around industry and subject matter experts and have hopefully absorbed some of what those smart people were sharing. STI Electronics has always believed in supporting industry organizations and in the 1980s, I became STI’s representative to the SMTA. I attended the national conferences/shows and a few local meetings over the years but in the early 1990s got volunteered for an officer position in the local chapter which led to working with and really getting to know local leaders professionally and personally. It was educational, fun, and good for the company so I kept at it and began to get to know more and more people. Ultimately that led to working with SMTA HQ which allowed me to get to know experts from all over the world professionally and many of them personally. It is hard to imagine what my career or my company would be like now without those relationships formed through the SMTA.
[Tara] What advice do you have for those new to SMTA or those considering becoming members?
[David] Get involved in your local chapter. Give out name tags at meetings. Introduce speakers. You’ll get to know the other officers and local members along with the expert speakers and all of those can only help you in your future. Most will become contacts that are good for exchanging knowledge and experiences. Some will become colleagues that you share your journey with.
[Tara] What is one thing that would surprise people about you?
[David] I’ve danced on stage in front of 2,000 people multiple times.
SMTA is accepting nominations for the Members of Distinction Awards program through July 28, 2023. You can help recognize members for their contributions and inspire the next generation of SMTA leaders. To learn more about the awards categories and nominate a deserving candidate, please visit the Members of Distinction Awards Page.